Natural Gas
Global Warming
Reducing DoD fossil-fuel dependence by Paul Dimotakis, Nathan Lewis, Robert Grober, et al., JASON / Dept of Defense [2006 December 1]
"Barring unforeseen circumstances, availability concerns are not a decision driver in the reduction of DoD fossil-fuel use at present. However, the need to improve logistics requirements and military capabilities, and, secondarily, the need to reduce fuel costs, as well as providing a prudent hedge against a foggy future, especially in the Middle East and South America, argue for a reduction in fuel use, in general."

Army Energy Strategy for the End of Cheap Oil by Kip P. Nygren, Darrell D. Massie, Paul J. Kern, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY 10996 [2006 November]

"Without ready alternatives to replace ever more costly and scarce oil, we are entering an age of uncertainty and insecurity unlike any other that could include economic stagnation or even reversal. Although the military will always have access to the fuel required for national security missions, the costs will rise substantially in the near future and require the reallocation of resources from other critical mission elements and programs. ...The nation and the global community need a unique organization to show the way to transform the energy infrastructure and resolve the countless challenges that will end our addiction to oil. The U.S. Army is that unique institution with all the advantages of disciplined organizational leadership and technical knowledge to pilot this essential energy transformation."

National Security Consequences of Oil Dependency. The Council on Foreign Relations woke up! ... with help from its Independent Task Force, John Deutch and James R. Schlesinger, Chairs [2006 October]

Oil Future and War Now: A Grim Earth Sciences’ Point of View by Amos Nur, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA [2004 November 30]

"Worldwide per-capita oil consumption is closely correlated with the standard of living. In developing nations like China and India increasing prosperity therefore requires increased per-capita oil consumption. However, oil is a finite resource whose production globally is about to begin to decline irreversibly. Consequently the growing demand for oil is leading to a growing global conflict in which the Gulf War, the 9/11 attack, and the war in Iraq are just the first three skirmishes. These skirmishes pale in comparison with the looming potential conflict over oil with China."

An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security, by Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall [2003 October]

In 2003, the Pentagon hired Peter Schwartz from Global Business Network, a scenario-planning think tank, to examine all available research and write a report about a plausible scenario on the national security implications of the threat. This report suggests that, because of the potentially dire consequences, the risk of abrupt climate change, although uncertain and quite possibly small, should be elevated beyond a scientific debate to a U.S. national security concern.

Yet in another more recent document, Assured Fuel, the US military (DoD) is arguing for carbon-intensive fuels. Go figure!

Energy Resources and our Future - remarks by Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover, U.S. Navy [1957 May 17]

In this speech, the father of the nuclear Navy, Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover reviews the history of man on Earth and describes the prerequisite of energy to civilization. He explains the incredible impact and contribution of fossil fuels. Rickover concludes that the precarious dependence of the US and Europe upon a finite supply of fossil fuels presents an imperative challenge of transitioning to alternative, renewable sources of energy - within 100 years.
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